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Phone: 734-905-3600
Duplicate and unmatched medical records cost hospitals $1.2M per year and lead to hundreds of thousands of adverse events.
Click here to find out how an advanced EMPI will transform your record management and save lives.
In hospitals without an EMPI, an average of 18% of records are duplicates.
Even those
with a matching system in place still average 12%.
As hospitals continue to move toward EHRs and work more closely with ACOs, CINs, and OSCs,
the rate of duplicate records increases exponentially.
The system you choose to handle this problem is critical. A difference of just
1% can prevent adverse events and save millions of dollars in costs. What are you using?
The Information Softworks EMPI is at the leading edge of patient matching technology. Our suite of algorithms is based on nearly 20 years of continuous development with extensive field testing in real-world conditions, often including dozens of heterogeneous sources per instance.
Our comprehensive EMPI handles the complex reality of identifying patients across multiple EMR and hospital systems. This includes managing twins, human error, transitive matches, and incomplete data, to produce a missed match rate of less than less than 1% while maintaining an exceptionally high F1 score.
Combining precision, extraordinary speed, and expert guidance in integrating the solution into your enterprise's information infrastructure, Information Softworks is the solution to the challenge of reliable patient identification.
Phone: 734-905-3600